Replica Gucci Diana small tote bag-7 Colors
Replica Gucci Diana small tote bag-7 Colors
99 sold
The Gucci Diana small tote bag is available in seven different colors: Black. Brown. Blue. Green. Pink. Red. and White. It features the iconic Double G hardware and decorative neon handle shapers. The shiny antique gold-toned hardware adds a touch of elegance to the bag. The interior of the bag has an open pocket for easy organization. The bamboo handles have a drop of 2.6 inches. and the bag comes with a detachable and adjustable shoulder strap with a drop of 21 inches. The bag weighs approximately 0.726
Tote bag specs:
- Black/Brown/Blue/Green/Pink/Red/White
- Double G
- Decorative neon handle shapers
- Shiny antique gold-toned hardware
- Interior open pocket
- Bamboo handles with 2.6?? drop
- Detachable and adjustable shoulder strap with 21?? drop
- Weight: .726 kg approximately
- Small size: W27cm x H24cm x D11cm
- Microfibre lining with a suede-like finish
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